
I dare someone to send this to Mitt Romney

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Now explain it to me like im 5.

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Nice story. I already made my points to you in our DM after discussion. No need to repeat myself here. Decades ago at NDSU in Fargo, I was considered Mormon bait, with their evangelists coming regularly to my apartment to try and convert me. Nope. A more modern version of works righteousness Islam (Mohammed also had golden plates with ancient script on them only he could translate, which came from heaven by a different angel) Joseph Smith then invented his own golden plates, which only he could translate from a different angel.... Meanwhile stealing masonic rituals from the Masonic rights for his rituals, which then got him killed by a bunch of angry masons..... But, that is another story.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by FOOL NELSON

Your quasi-spiritual theological essay combined with your fanaticism with everything CardinalNation and your persistent digging in your role as a sleuth make you the most interesting person I never met before. And I say this as a diehard Cubs fan who is slightly perturbed you or Ryan never talk about John Carlin’s sudden resignation at age 43 in Oct. 2016 after General Rogers’ FISA abuse investigation. Congrats on the substack - it was great!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by FOOL NELSON

A RW twitter account that has fluffed Durham for years is roughly as ridiculous as a Mormon, in the bigger picture.

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One of many ironic points on this is how Joseph was inclusive with all, as I understand it, adding the hope of a type of collaboration for the better of all. Often missed. But, again, very ironic with the comments below.

In today's world, what will become a clear fact is: that we all have a well (spiritual?) that will be filled with some belief. You can't ignore it, but "CLIMATE CHANGE!" is one of today's well positioned replacements. But doesn't require faith "It's happening now!!!" you're empowered to the extremes "We'll all be dead in 10 years" and of course the classic Jesus complex "I'll save you." which everyone loves on some level. More than others without a theological check and balance.

Great post.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by FOOL NELSON

This cannot be the last.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by FOOL NELSON

Congrats! Great read! And yes - many thanks to you, Ryan, and the other Super Sleuthers out there! Big fan of all!

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